Rice Noodles With Sulfur Dioxide
Who doesn’t love nice rice noodles to make delicious Asian dishes at home? If you love to cook, you probably have quite a few containers of these noodles already in your home. And if that is the case, maybe you should check to see where the noodles were made before cooking your next dish. Many of the noodles produced in China contain sulfur dioxide, which has been connected to causing cancer.
Rice noodles made in countries outside of China usually do not have these harmful chemicals laden within them. So double-check your rice noodles before using them next time!
Imported Apple Juice May Contain Arsenic
Have you ever considered that perhaps your food contains some harmful chemicals? Of course, the idea has crossed your mind from time to time, especially when you consider all of the accidental additives that are in your food. However, apple juice from China may have an extra dangerous chemical of arsenic. How does arsenic get into apple juice, you might ask? It is an ingredient in the chemicals that are in the pesticides used on the apples.
China is increasing its export of agricultural products substantially over the years. However, it is taking the world some time to realize how risky some of the products are for your health.