Soy Sauce From China May Contain 4-Methylimidazole
Do you like to eat toxic chemicals with your meals? The answer to that is probably no, and yet oftentimes, you will be doing it accidentally. You may think that buying soy sauce from China is a safe bet, considering the fact that it is commonly used in the East, but that is not the case. Over 25% of the soy sauces that come out of China contain 4-Methylimidazole, which is a cancer-causing chemical.
Although soy sauce is quite tasty, it is probably not worth the cancer risk when you are just trying to make a casual dish for dinner. Try buying your soy sauce from a different location.
Be Wary of Beef That Is Actually Pork
Although this is not the case in many countries, in China, pork is the most commonly consumed meat (well above beef), mainly due to the fact that it is so much cheaper than beef. It can even be more than half the price at times. As a result, many sellers of pork have tried to make their pork look like beef so that they could make a profit. And to do this, they added borax to the pork.
Not only is this dangerous, but they are actively lying to their consumers and making them think that they are eating one type of meat when it is a whole other one.