Is It Black Pepper or Is It Mud?
Although you can certainly find black pepper sources from China that are among the highest quality in the world, you should be warned that they are not all made equally. Some sellers from China will disguise mud pellets as black pepper and sell them to the world. Black pepper is a big part of Asian cuisines and spice mixtures, however, so you can definitely find good sources for it if you look in the right places.
Black pepper is one of those things that you can definitely risk getting from China, especially if you make sure that it is from a good source. But don’t buy just any black pepper – do some research!
Shrimp That Are Contaminated With Carcinogens
The word surrounding shrimp that are imported from China is not looking great. Although people have been eating it for years, recently, the Institute of Environmental and Human Health food lab at Texas Tech University decided to test some of the shrimp that was imported to the US. What did they find out? That the shrimp imported from China contained a whole list of carcinogens and substances that are illegal in the US.
Although the shrimp that is brought in from China is usually less expensive, it may not always be worth the risk to your health to consume it.