Foods Diabetics Should Probably Stay Away From

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French Fries

French fries can be found across the world, and it seems as though people can’t get enough of these sticks of potato goodness. And while potatoes themselves are fairly healthy in small doses, eating anything in excess is bad for you – especially when that food is then fried in unhealthy oil. French fries are particularly bad for diabetics as the combination of carbs in the potatoes and trans fats in the oil will cause a huge spike in blood sugar. 

French Fries

Even a small portion of fries could be detrimental to your blood sugar levels, which is why it’s best to avoid them if possible. Alternatively, make your own healthier and non-fried alternatives.

Orange Juice

Many people assume that fruit juice is just as healthy as eating fresh fruit. And while this drink is certainly a good way to add more vitamins to your diet, it’s important to remember that fruit juices are very high in sugar, calories, and carbohydrates. Because of this, it’s recommended that those with type 2 diabetes avoid fruit juices at all costs to avoid any negative or detrimental health concerns. 

Orange Juice

If you juice your own oranges and make your own 100% orange juice, though, you should be able to get away with drinking small amounts here and there. Alternatively, buy a low-sugar orange juice. 

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