5 reasons your car might be uninsurable and 5 Craziest Stories of Insurance Fraud

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4. It’s considered an antique car

5 reasons your car might be uninsurable
Car insurance

Antique cars, typically defined as 25 years or older, are not only prized possessions but also require specialized insurance coverage. Standard policies might not reflect the true value of these vehicles, particularly if they’ve been restored or maintained in pristine condition.

The value of antique cars can be significantly higher than their original purchase price, depending on their condition, rarity and historical significance. Consequently, repair costs can be exorbitant, especially for models where parts are scarce. Insurers might be hesitant to offer standard coverage due to these increased costs.


Antique cars are often subject to usage limitations, such as restrictions on daily driving or requirements for secure storage. Insurance companies might offer coverage under the condition of such limitations to mitigate risk, but outright insurability can be an issue if the vehicle is used outside of these terms.

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